Every day you are able to earn your living and fund a great business idea or expansion, however, there are some deals that just don’t seem to fit your criteria. We may have just the answer for you. We can offer your clients and prospects the equivalent of a SBA loan that they don’t have to repay. We have a nationwide network of business builders and thousands of investors who will fund good prospects for an equity position, a percentage of revenue, or a mix of both, or any other type of legitimate security.
Requirements for entrepreneurs are pretty much the same as for a SBA loan, except we don’t require two years in business for otherwise acceptable businesses.
• Your commission is the same or may be better as we pay market leading rates.
• We crowdfund the request from your clients across a targeted community of investors who have either invested in that type of business before or have confirmed they will.
• It takes between a month to three months from start to finish – so about the same time as getting a SBA loan.
Some of your clients may welcome the opportunity to get funded without the impact to their personal and business credit lines that a loan would entail.
We will be happy to share more with you about what we are doing and how this can be a valuable tool for your business
Please share with us your email address so we can continue this process. Please be assured we will only use it to send you a survey to determine what types of business funding you support. We will reply in a day or two with information on how we can give you a powerful way to get and keep more clients, with less effort and risk.
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